Issue #165

August 9th, 2015

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Android Testing Blueprint (

Automated testing of Android applications should be part of any developer's workflow. Though this can be challenging, Google has created a brand-new template project called the Android Testing Blueprint (ATBP).

Curved Motion – Part 1 (

The Play Store app has recently had an update to provide curved motion when transitioning from a list into a detail view. In this short series Mark Allison will look at how to implement curved motion.

RxJava Code Review Part 1 (

Artem Zinnatulin has decided to make full code review of RxJava sources, understand it better, create issues and PRs if he's found something suspicious (especially with respect to Android)

link image   A private Maven repository for Android in 30 min (

In less than 30 minutes you will have a fully operational private Maven repository and have configured your Gradle buildscripts to upload your Android library artifacts. Jeroen Mols shares all the steps needed to complete it quickly and easily.

Non-public resources in Android Studio + Gradle 1.3 (

Chris Banes (Banesy!) describes the new Android Studio feature for hiding values in your Android libraries.

Flux Architecture on Android (

Flux Architecture is used by Facebook to build their client- side web applications. Like Clean Architecture it is not intended for mobile apps, but its features and simplicity will allow us to adapt it very well to Android projects.

Wutson: Exploring Design And Development Workflows (

The authors (a designer and a developer) share their workflow describing how we worked together, which tools we find most valuable, and tips for improving the dev-design process.

How to generate Java sources in your build (

This article describes how to write a Gradle Groovy script that can dynamically pull data and generate Java source code.

A Note About the Warmth of the Share and Replay Operators (

A common question most android developers have when using RxJava is: how do I cache or persist the work done by my observables over a configuration change?

Simpler Android APIs with AutoParcel (

A nice article on using AutoParcel's code generation to simplify your APIs.

Google Beacons and the Physical Web (

Dave Smith recently gave a talk on Google Beacons and the Physical Web at AnDevCon Boston. Here's the abstract, screencast and slides.

ViewPager Without Fragments (

This article walks you through how to utilize the ViewPager with just plain-old Views and layouts.

Using Espresso for Easy UI Testing (

it’s actually pretty simple to write Espresso tests, and they really aren’t that hard to integrate with your code base. Here are a couple tips & tricks to make it easier.

Expand a RecyclerView in Four Steps (

The Expandable RecyclerView library is a lightweight library that simplifies the inclusion of expandable dropdown rows in your RecyclerView.



link image   Get Free Minutes on Remote Testing Services (

Intel® Software is sponsoring free app testing on Intel-based Android devices. Automatically test your app remotely on real devices using Espresso, uiautomator, robotium, JUnit or built-in test scripts. Start here.

link image   Android Developers are In-demand! (

In 1 week on the Hired Marketplace, you'll get 5+ offers from top tech companies around the US and UK. Want to learn more? Check out Hired today!



Android Engineer - Help us build an SDK (Remote)

We are building PSPDFKit for Android using RxJava & C++ 14. It's a challenging project that is used in many apps and there's plenty of work to be done. We have a talented team, who enjoy the benefits of working in a remote environment. If you're up for a challenge, send us your resume.


Libraries & Code

AnDevCon-RxPatterns (

Patterns used by Colin Lee in his AnDevCon talk "Reactive Android Patterns"

RxJava-Android-Samples (

This is a work-in-progress repository with real-world useful examples of using RxJava with Android.

RxAndroid 1.0.0 (

RxAndroid has reached version 1.0!



Folding-plugin (

A handy Android Studio plugin that collects files into virtual folders on the Project view based on filenames.



link image   What’s new in Android Studio 1.3 (

Learn about new features that we're introducing in Android Studio 1.3. Support for more annotation checks in lint help you write safer code and help you get your apps ready for the new permissions model in Android M.

Android Dialogs: Mike Wolfson (

While at Google I/O, Huyen talks to Mike Wolfson, Google Developer Expert, about AppCompat and Material Design for developers.