Issue #376

August 25th, 2019

Articles & Tutorials

link image   SQLDelight 1.x Quick Start Guide for Android (

Documentation for how to use SQLDelight on just Android is lacking, so Sam Edwards created this guide to get people going fast.

Testing your isolated Fragments with Koin (

With proper architecture it’s easy to substitute dependencies inside screen under the test with fakes or mocks. Oleg Osipenko shows us how to do this using Koin.

link image   How to Quickly Build a Live-Streaming App (

There's no better way to engage users in 2019 than by incorporating live video streaming into your application. In this tutorial, Wowza Media Systems walks through the GoCoder SDK for Android and shows you how easily you can live stream.

Practical Image PorterDuff Mode Usage in Android (

In this tutorial you'll learn how to leverage the PorterDuff image blending method to achieve better shapes of images or nice effects.

link image   You + Your Dream Job = Match Made in Heaven (

Hired, it's like tinder but for your job. That's right, we'll match you with your dream job based on your skills, experience, and industry. Only want to work for start-ups? Want to transform an industry? Join Hired and let us match you with your next dream job. #matchmaking ❤️

Performing OAuth on Android with Custom Tabs (

Joe Birch takes a look at how we can authorize our application using the OAuth2 flow using Chrome Custom Tabs to satisfy our authentication requirements.

Dealing with Large Memory Requirements on Android (

This article by Tomáš Šurín focuses on basic techniques for managing memory usage in applications — such as web browsers, photo editors, and PDF viewers — that have large memory requirements.

Designing Your Android App for Accessibility, Part 2 (

This second article by Pamela Hill seeks to explain the fundamental design principles for designers to make their work more accessible to a broader audience.

Dealing with Bitmaps in the Right Way (

Yaroslav Berezanskyi shares some tips on decoding bitmaps efficiently.

Implementing Firebase Smart Reply in your Android App (

Domenico Rotolo gives an overview of Smart Reply, a Firebase ML Kit API which, given a conversation, will return 3 suggested replies to keep it going.

Announcing Bottom Navigator (

Miguel Vargas announces a new Android multiple backstack bottom navigation library.

Introducing AndroidX Tech (

Mark Murphy announces AndroidX Tech (, a site that he is maintaining that contains additional information about the various androidx libraries, beyond what is offered in the official documentation.

How to create Custom Progress Dialog in Android (

In this tutorial, John Codeos shows you how to make a Custom Progress Dialog for your Android app correctly.

Implementing Dark Mode (

It took Aviv Yogev and his team a few months of research, design & development to release the very first version of an app that supports dark mode. Here he shares his conclusions and main focus points during the project.

Midnight in Android Themes (

Implementing dark themes is surprisingly deep and affects whole applications. Artur Dryomov tried to collect steps made to introduce the dark theme in an application and made a somewhat comprehensive guide.



link image   Place a sponsored post & reach over 66k Android devs (



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Libraries & Code

ProgressView (

A polished and flexible ProgressView, fully customizable with and animations.

BottomNavigator (

Bottom Navigator is a library for managing multiple Fragment backstacks controlled by the tabs of a BottomNavigationView. It has a simple API and is feature-rich.

Android Showcase (

Android application following best practices: Kotlin, coroutines, Clean Architecture, feature modules, tests, MVVM.



link image   Kotlin 1.3.50 released (

jetbrains announced the release of Kotlin 1.3.50 with quality and tooling improvements and some new features as well.

App Development Survey (

The Android team would like to learn more about your development practices. Please take a few minutes to complete this developer survey!


Videos & Podcasts

link image   Design for Voice (

Mark Webster cover the shift voice is driving in digital interaction, as well as advice on his approaches to get started with a voice-design workflow, focusing on actionable insights and takeaways for creatives and designers.

The next evolution of Android (

Android’s brand identity is evolving. So, they’re introducing a new look that is more modern and more accessible!

Droidcon Berlin 2019 (

Videos of all the presentations from Droidcon Berlin 2019

What’s New in Android Studio 3.5 (

Yacine Rezgui presents what's new in Android Studio 3.5