Issue #38

September 22nd, 2012

Articles & Tutorials

Link Bild Styling the ActionBar (

After Mark Allison told us all about the ActionBar he's writing a new series all about styling it - be sure that you check it out.


Android Testing MindMap – there’s a lot to consider! (
Daniel Box recently completed the intense task of creating an Android testing MindMap. As you can see, there’s a lot to take into account when testing an Android app or website.

Libraries & Code

Android adt templates (
Android ADT Templates is a small collection of ADT templates for Android development to help quickly scaffold common Activity and UI patterns compiled by Jeff Gilfelt.

Amazon Maps API & Kindle Fire (
Jeff Gilfet also updated his MapView Balloons Library. It now supports an alternative Amazon Maps API.


Link Bild Almost 20% of Android Devices run >4.0 (

mhhhh delicious!



Link Bild Creating professional looking screenshots (

In the following two blog entries Cyril Mottier shares some desiger resources. In the first post he explains how to create appealing screenshots for your app.


Google Maps graphic assets PSD (
In the second post he shares a PSD with a lot of assets if you want to create a map based application.

Android niceties (
A collection of screenshots encompassing some of the best, most beautiful looking Android apps.


Android Appstore Download Analysis tools (
Analysis of user growth, growing counties, daily downloads, active install etc. etc. is extremely important to track the performance of app on appstore. This post shows you how to do it the best way.