Issue #410

April 19th, 2020

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Adventures in Compose - The Doom fire effect (

Adam Bennett takes the fire effect from the iconic game Doom and implements it using Jetpack Compose.

Dark Mode: three Lint checks to help (

Implementing Night Mode in Android can be pretty straightforward unless you're dealing with several-year-old legacy themes. Daniele Bottillo shares a couple lint checks that will help you correct issues in your themes and styles.

link image   Why The Top Apps Rely on Instabug over Crashlytics (

Catch bugs as soon as they happen and know exactly why a crash occurred. With Instabug you will automatically receive device data, network logs, and reproduction steps with every bug and crash report. It only takes a line of code to integrate. See more detailed features comparison and try Instabug for free here.

Connectivity State on Android 10 and Above (

A flaky network is something we've all experienced. Some of you may have written code to deal with it and you know that these corner cases always lead to brittle code. In this post you'll learn about NetworkCallback and how to use it in your app.

link image   PathSense Smart Geofence, 6x Faster Than Google (

PathSense Smart Geofence for Android & iOS is: 6x faster and 6x more accurate than Google Play Geofencing. Reliable in waking up your app from the background. Optimized for Android O, P, and Q. Test the SDK in your App for FREE today!

Kotlin Multiplatform — Firebase + MVVM (

Javier Arroyo shares an examples of how to write a Kotlin Multiplatform app that communicates with Firebase.

ConstraintLayout: Sized Align - Styling Android (

Mark Allison continues looking at the extremely powerful ConstraintLayout, this time showing how to adjust the alignment to a group of controls without using container views.

How to Become a Google Developer Expert? (

Wajahat Karim describes some of the steps he took to become Pakistan’s first Google Developer Expert in Android.

Build variants in Android (

Slightly changing an Android app depending on various configurations is quite a common scenario. Bevan Steele takes a look at build variants to help achieve this.

Callback Hell in Android (

In this post, Vasiliy Zukanov explains what Callback Hell is and how to fix it in your code!

Where Should I Put Kotlin Code in an Android Project? (

Sam Edwards answers the question and puts it into perspective.

Database Inspector (

Murat Yener introduces a new tool called Database Inspector which helps you inspect, query, and modify databases in your running app. It's currently available in the latest version of Android Studio 4.1

Exploring Jetpack Compose: Radio Button (

Joe Birch's quick intro to using Radio Buttons in Jetpack Compose

Migrating to Material Components for Android (

Nick Rout walks you through the steps needed for moving from Android Support libs to Material Design components versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0.

Simple Multiplatform RPC with Kotlin Serialization (

Jake Wharton demonstrates how Kotlin Serialization can be used to pass data between Android and Kotlin/JS.

MVI in Kotlin Multiplatform — part 1 of 3 (

Arkadii Ivanov has found that MVI is a perfect pattern to use when using Kotlin Multi-Platform. In this first part, he examines what MVI is, and how this can be applied in a multi-platform world.



Lead Android Developer (Toulouse, France)

Pictarine is looking for their future Lead Android Developer. Our app is noted 4.8 on the Play Store with 220K ratings. In 2019 alone, we printed more than 50 million pictures in the U.S. Become the 18th member of our passionate team. Stack: Kotlin, Java, AndroidX, Glide, Retrofit, Gson, OkHttp


Libraries & Code

link image   BLTaxi (

BL Taxi is a simple app for calling a taxi in the city Banja Luka built using modern Android development tools (100% Kotlin, Android Jetpack, CI pipeline and much more).

Kotlin Coroutines (

Nice list by Lukas Lechner about real-world Android Use Cases of Kotlin Coroutines.


Videos & Podcasts

link image   How we've used Kotlin to build a Mobile Design App (

Rebecca Franks describes her experience working on a Kotlin codebase. She covers some of the features in Kotlin used the most, some features eagerly overused and some of the mistakes made along the way.

Going Full Kotlin Multiplatform (

Sit down with Jesse and Egor from CashApp (Square) to discuss how they decided to port OKio and OKHttp completely to Kotlin Multiplatform back when Kotlin wasn't even officially supported by Google

Android Developers Backstage: Remoting (

In this episode, Romain, Chet and Tor chat with zero guests about the current work-from-home reality, and about adjustments we've all made as we change the way we work.

Android Jetpack: CameraX Beta (

CameraX is a Jetpack support library created to make camera app development easier. Stay tuned to learn more about the CameraX API and use cases!

Kotlin Companion Objects & Object Expressions (

Nate teaches how to use object expressions to write anonymous inner classes, how to use companion objects to create factories, and how to use an object declaration to implement thread-safe singletons.