Issue #419

June 21st, 2020

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Tinder MotionLayout (

In this post, Rodrigo Dominguez puts together an animation similar to that of the Tinder App using MotionLayout.

Remote logging with Timber and Firebase Realtime Database (

In this article, Vipin KT explains how to track logs remotely with the help of Timber and Firebase Realtime Database. In the end, you will be able to track the logs of your application in Firebase console.

link image   Deploy Android Chat In Hours With Stream (

Learn how easy it is to use Stream's Android Java & Kotlin chat SDK. Build real-time chat for Android in hours, not months. Start a free trial now and try out Stream's chat API and SDK Components. See why Stream powers the feeds and chat for over 500 million end-users.

Debugging in Android Studio (

David Herman gathered together some of the best tips and tricks for speeding up debugging which will save you time and be easy to incorporate into your debugging flow.

link image   Place a sponsored post & reach over 66k Android devs (

Jetpack Saved State for ViewModel (

In this tutorial, Ishan Khanna shows how to used the Saved State library from Android Jetpack to preserve the UI state of an Android application.

Making Application class much cleaner: Dagger vs App Startup (

In this post, Jaewoong Eum looks at how to shrink the size of our Application class using Dagger and App Startup.

Dagger Hilt: Custom Entry Point for FragmentFactory Integration (

In this post, Vasiliy Zukanov describes a bug he found while using Dagger Hilt, explain why it’s tricky to fix, and then show you how to use Hilt’s custom Entry Points to work around its own limitations

Kotlin is so nice – it prevents bugs 🐛 before you add them (

Marc Reichelt shares a few examples of how Kotlin prevents bugs before you even make them.

What’s New in Android Studio System Trace (

In Android Studio 4.0, Google overhauled the CPU Profiler UI to provide a more intuitive recording workflow. In this article, Yi Yang highlights what’s new in Android Studio for System Trace,

People Notifications (

Aaron Labiaga takes a look at a number of factors that can affect a notification’s ranking to help you understand how the notifications your app sends might be prioritized for your users.

Custom view from scratch - Part I (

In this series of articles, Eugene Zubkov will show you how to create a Custom View like an artist, but first, some background on your choices.

Reactive apps Part 4 - Use Case layer Implementation (

Raul Hernandez Lopez continues this series, demonstrating how implementing Clean Architecture use cases can help separate out business logic from your views.

Using StrictMode to make your Android App ANR free (

How can you pick up on issues of long blocking operations or disk IO operations on the Android Main thread? Rebecca Franks demonstrates a class in Android called StrictMode that can help you find these issues.

Fragment Lifecycles in the Age of Jetpack (

Fragments have complicated lifecycles, to say the least. Márton Braun takes a look at these, and how they all fit into the world of Jetpack today

Settling the Async-Await v withContext in Kotlin Coroutines (

Ferdinand Bada tries to settle the Kotlin Coroutines debate: use Async-Await or withContext to perform background work. So what are these two concepts and which one should you opt for?


Libraries & Code

link image   CornerSheet (

Behavior to make a view expand from the corner

prefiller (

Prefiller is a Gradle plugin that generates pre-filled Room databases at compile time.

Balloon (

A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations.



link image   New improvements to platform and tools for Google Assistant (

Google is releasing Actions Builder, a new web-based IDE that provides a graphical interface to show the entire conversation flow instead of moving back and forth between Actions Console and Dialogflow.

New tools optimized for the Google Assistant (

Google introduces a suite of new and improved developer tools: Actions Builder and Actions SDK. These tools make building Conversational Actions for the Assistant easier and more streamlined than ever.

Bringing @Twitter's DMs into Android 11’s Conversation API (

With Android 11’s Conversation APIs, here's an example of surfacing Twitter’s Direct Messages to the conversation space.



What's the equivalent of in Jetpack Compose? (

Here's a handy tool that lets you input a traditional Android view type, and it tells you what the equivalent Jetpack Compose component is.


Videos & Podcasts

link image   Learning Machine Learning: Adding ML Capabilities (

Aniedi Udo-Obong discusses with GDE Rebecca Franks about bringing Google's machine learning capabilities & expertise to Android and iOS apps via powerful yet easy-to-use mobile SDKs

Catching up with Data Science at JetBrains (

Hadi Hariri chats with Roman Belov about the work he's doing at JetBrains with Kotlin for Data Science.

Android Developers Backstage: Discussing Conversations (

In this episode, Tor, Chet, and Romain are joined by Julia Reynolds and Stefan Franks from the System UI team to have a discussion about conversations. They also converse about things unrelated to conversations.