Issue #422

July 12th, 2020

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Tick Tock: Desugaring and Timezones (

Zac Sweers introduces TickTock, a library for packaging the latest timezone database with your app (vs waiting for OEMs to slowly release them)

The Bifurcation Of Android (

Timothy Asiimwe describes how the emergence of a dual-class app permission structure is handicapping developers in Africa.

Sample Data in Compose Previews via @PreviewParameter (

Jetpack Compose is Google’s new Android UI Toolkit, and Jossi Wolf shows how powerful Compose view previews can be in Android Studio.

link image   Test, monitor, and debug your android app faster (

Crash reporting + Bug reporting + Customizable in-app surveys all in one SDK. Retrace the line of code that caused the crash along with environment details, network logs, repro steps, and the session profiler to fix severe crashes quickly. It only takes a minute to integrate, Get Started Now!

WebP — a preferred image format for Android apps (

WebP is an image format that is developed by Google, focuses mainly on optimization and quality. Seanghay demonstrates how to use it on Android.

Actions Builder vs. Dialogflow: Feature availability (

Denis Valášek has created a comparison spreadsheet with a list of features and their availability for the new Actions Builder vs. the more established Dialogflow.

Testing ViewModels: The Journey. (

Alfredo Cerezo Luna examines writing unit tests for Jetpack ViewModels.

Singleton is More Than Just Design Pattern (

In this article, Vasiliy Zukanov explains three different “singletons”, which are related, but still represent different concepts

AnimatedIcons: Heart (

This time Mark Allison looks at animating heart shape alternating between a filled heart and an empty heart.

Smile, it’s CameraX! - Intro (

Magda Miu starts a new series on using the CameraX APIs.

Simple sparkline chart with MPAndroidChart (

In this post, Bevan Steele explores how to make a simple sparkline chart using MPAndroidChart.

Hilt — Adding components to the hierarchy (

Inserting a component in the middle of the Hilt component hierarchy is not possible. However, Manuel Vivo demonstrates how you can create a custom component with a Hilt component as a parent and access its scoped types using entry points.

Building an Exploding FAB Transition With Jetpack Compose (

Joe Birch demonstrates how to implement a Material-style FAB animation in Jetpack Compose.

With the receiver in scope (

The key quality of the code that we are looking to achieve is not concision, but readability. Roman Elizarov elaborates on how this applies to Kotlin's features used in development.


Place a sponsored post

link image   Place a sponsored post & reach over 66k Android devs (



Senior Android Developer (Remote/UK)

MYPINPAD is the global leader in personal authentication for payment solutions residing on everyday smartphones and tablets. We are looking for a Senior Android Developer who enjoys a technical challenge and embraces opportunities to learn.

Android Engineer (Montana or Remote, USA only)

onX is looking for an Android Engineer with a love for Kotlin and the outdoors. If you’re passionate about writing great software, love playing outside, believe in protecting access to public lands and want to dominate the off-pavement mobile GPS market, then apply today!


Libraries & Code

unearthed (

A library for Android that notifies you when your app was restored after a process death.

ticktock (

A timezone data management library for the JVM and Android targeting java.time APIs in Java 8+



link image   11 Weeks of Android: Android 11 Compatibility (

This blog post is part of a weekly series for #11WeeksOfAndroid. This week, Google spotlighted Android 11 Compatibility; here’s a look at what you should know.

Kotlin 1.4-M3 is Out: Standard Library Changes (

Kotlin 1.4-M3 and getting closer to a Release Candidate. Here the details on the latest changes.

Use coroutines in common Android use cases (

Google has added a new Codelab to the Kotlin Coroutines learning pathway.

TensorFlow 2 meets the Object Detection API (

Google announced that the TF Object Detection API (OD API) officially supports TensorFlow 2.

Accelerating Android Updates (

Over the past few years, Google has introduced new capabilities that enable them to deliver updates more uniformly, quickly, and efficiently to Android devices. Here's an overview of its success, and looks towards the future with Android 11.

Android 11 Beta 2 is available (

Android 11 Beta 2 marks the Platform Stability milestone for developers and includes the latest optimizations and bug fixes.