Issue #460

April 4th, 2021

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Share KMM module with iOS via SPM (

Paris Tsiogas' notes on sharing a Kotlin multiplatform module via Swift Package Manager with iOS.

Common Design Patterns and App Architectures for Android (

Discover how to make your Android code cleaner and easier to understand with these common design patterns for Android apps with this guide from Aaqib Hussain.

link image   Read the stories of Jenkins experts after cloud CI (

“The tricky part is habit. Hitting the same thing over and over again will eventually become familiar. This can lead to unforeseen consequences — like using Jenkins when it is not really necessary. Do not be afraid to change things.” — Artur Dymorov, Android Developer

Avoid launchIn (

Bill Phillips considers why you need to be careful when using Coroutines' launchIn.

link image   Free Chat & Activity Feed APIs for Qualifying Teams (

The Stream Maker Account provides qualifying teams with full and free access to Stream's Chat and Activity Feed APIs, making them accessible to side projects and new startups. No credit card is required.

Modular Navigation with Jetpack Compose (

Joe Birch shares some explorations he's been doing when adding Compose Navigation to a Modularised Android App.

What are Custom Intents for App Actions? (

Jessica Dene Earley-Cha writes how the ability to say “Hey Google, open AND do x” can be achieved.

Animating the Compose Galaxy (

Suleyman Fatih Giris shares his learnings about animations in Jetpack Compose while building a Canvas-based galaxy animation.

Implementing Snackbar to undo actions in Jetpack Compose (

Igor Escodro examines the best way to integrate the Snackbar control as an undo mechanism in Jetpack Compose.

Scoped recomposition in Jetpack Compose (

How does Compose choose to re-execute it when the state changes? Zach Klippenstein takes a closer look to find the answer.

Diving into Kotlin collections (

Kotlin Collections! You’ve heard of them, you’ve used them – so it makes sense to learn even more about them!

AssistedInject is dead, long live AssistedInject! (

AssistedInject library has been deprecated and the same functionality is now available directly in Dagger. Jake Wharton shares the steps needed to update your code.

Working with Package Visibility (

Apps targeting Android 11 or higher will only see a filtered list of apps and will need to declare the apps they need to interact with directly. This blog post by Meghan Mehta goes through best practices of how to adapt to this feature.

Getting to know the behaviors of your SDK dependencies (

Fred Chung shares several tools you can use during the different development stages of your app to learn about SDKs and libraries' handling and usage of data, so you can better protect your users’ privacy.

Lock your Dagger in Gradle Modules (

So you've broken down your app into numerous modules, but your Dagger setup suffers. Tomáš Mlynarič shows how to integrate Dagger into these modules more efficiently.

Using Compose Beta on AS 4.1 (

Marcello Galhardo shares a way to integrate Jetpack Compose tools into Android Studio 4.1 via some workarounds.

ki: The Next Interactive Shell for Kotlin (

Pasha Finkelshteyn introduces ki, a Kotlin Interactive Shell


Place a sponsored post

link image   Place a sponsored post & reach over 66k Android devs (



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Senior Android Engineer (Milan, Italy or Remote)

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Android Engineer at onX (Montana or Remote, USA only)

At onX we bring our devotion to the outdoors to work daily with a singular, powerful goal: to awaken the adventurer inside everyone. Using the latest Android and mapping technologies, you'll work on a suite of leading off-the-pavement GPS apps used by millions of explorers.


Libraries & Code

link image   Holi (

Holi is a lightweight Jetpack Compose library of colors, gradients and cool utility functions for all your palette needs!

kash (

Kash is a shell written in and powered by Kotlin

InflationInject (

Constructor-inject views during XML layout inflation



Piracy (

When regular, high-quality content is pirated, the original authors suffer a loss in time and money, not to mention the frustration of it all. Mark Allison writes about this challenge that he is currently facing.


Videos & Podcasts

link image   Kotlin Collections Overview (

In this episode, see what types of collections the Kotlin standard library offers and explore a common subset of operations available for all of the collections in the standard library.

Material Components: Snackbars (

Snackbars give users a brief message about app processes at the bottom of their screens. Learn how snackbars can be used in your app by watching this short presentation by Nick Rout.

Mobile App Security - An Overview For Securing Your Mobile Project (

In this episode, Nate Ebels discusses a high-level overview of Android app security and some action items to help improve your project's security today.

JaCoCo with Evgeny Mandrikov (

This episode of The Developers' Bakery is all about testing and code coverage with Evgeny Mandrikov on stage!

Annyce Davis (

Annyce Davis brings even more joy and enthusiasm while Dru and Nishant discuss her interview in ‘Living By The Code.’

Fragmented: Quality over Quantity (

In this episode, Donn returns for a solo episode to talk about his thoughts on Quality over Quantity and why it’s important to software development and productivity in general



#IamaGDE: Kristina Simakova (

Over the next few months, Google will be presenting spotlights of Google Developers Experts from across various product areas. Discover their stories, passions, and highlights of their community work.