Issue #502

January 23rd, 2022
Articles & Tutorials
Pierre-Yves Ricau shows how to fix simpleperf traces which are otherwise unusable!
Learn how to customize your app's colors, shapes, and typography using Stream's Compose ChatTheme component.
Bevan Steele makes the case for monitoring the silent crashes in your app.
Rebecca Stockbridge shares some font default differences she found between Text and ClickableText composables.
140+ pages of insights on building for mobile at scale, sourced from teams at Google, Uber, Amazon, and more. Download a free copy!
This article focuses on one particular, easily misused part of Jetpack Compose… the remember() function.
Husayn Hakeem goes over the basics of building an app widget with Glance and explores the key features it offers.
In this blog post, Simona Stojanovic takes a closer look at DataStore — how it works, what implementations it provides, and their individual use cases.
Alex Vanyo takes you through the design and development process for updating the Jetnews sample app to enhance its behavior across all mobile devices, both big and small.
Paul Ruiz shares a guide on how you can update your apps with the AppAuth library for authenticating and authorizing your Android users.
Michael Bleigh shares how he went from idea to playable word game within 24 hours using Firebase.
A short analysis on how to make interfaces feel "fancy" with animated transitions.
Kristen announce the release of WindowState, a new utility library to simplify the logic required to enhance your apps for large screens and foldables.
Let GitHub Actions work for you with just a click and you just chill with this post from Shreyas Patil.
Mark Murphy demonstrates Compose for Wear's support for having content curve to match the edges of a round Wear OS device.
Writing is an increasingly important skill for engineering leaders. Gergely Orosz shares tactics for being more clear, more frequent, and more confident in your writing.
Zarah Dominguez writes a quick post on how to prevent the Crashlytics plugin from uploading the mapping file for your app, and why you would want that.
Sylvain Saurel shares the steps to build a password strength calculator for Android.
Mark Murphy shares some criteria to consider when choosing a navigation library for your Compose-based app.
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Social Mobile builds GMS certified Android devices and the software to go along with those devices. Join us in writing the SDKs, system-level components and apps utilizing Kotlin, Coroutines, Service connections, Reflection, and oftentimes requiring insight into AOSP to figure out the solution.
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Libraries & Code
DrawBox is a multi-purpose tool to draw anything on canvas, written completely on jetpack compose
A lightweight Kotlin library for a form state management and field validation.
WindowState is a component for Jetpack Compose that helps you easily get details about the window state of the dual-screen, foldable and large screen devices, using the Google Jetpack WindowManager library
Videos & Podcasts
A playlist of all the presentations from Kotlin Koders 2021 conference.
In this video, you will learn how to add documents to your Kotlin API using KDoc and how to export them using Dokka.
See how DataStore works, what implementation it provides, the individual use cases, and more with Simona Stojanovic.
In this episode, learn about TalkBack, the Google screen reader, and how you can use it to improve the Accessibility of your app.