Issue #548

December 11th, 2022
Articles & Tutorials
In this article, Dmytro Shuba shares the key aspects of setting up UI testing on CI.
Have you ever tried to gather data about the different strategies to monetize your app and the revenue and risk attached to each? We have. Here’s everything you need to know about commissions, ads, data monetization, in-app purchases, and lesser-known strategies.
Abhishek Saxena dives into why SOLID design principles are 5 core principles that every developer should know.
Creating and handling themes is very easy with Jetpack Compose. In this post, Burak shows the “easy” and “hard” way to implement it.
Context-switching in and out of Play Console costs your team time and unnecessary headache. Manage everything you need to do for your Android releases — without setting foot in Play Console
Anton Popov describes restricting the content of the composable lambda using layoutId modifier via a new Compose concept — Slot API.
While Targeting Android 13, the OnbackPressed override function is deprecated. Dinesh describes the new APIs that replace it.
Francesc Vilariño shows how to create a circular carousel, a set of items that the user can spin around, using Jetpack Compose.
Jan Vladimir Mostert shares an example of why you would want to slow down your code, and how to do it with Coroutines.
Jose Alcérreca introduces the Architecture Templates to get you started quickly when doing an experiment or starting a brand-new app from scratch.
Ishan Khanna wrote this so we better understand the impact of dependency tree depth on your Gradle builds.
Julien Salvi explains how to validate a move to Compose with an automation framework, using Appium and UIAutomator.
Júlia Jakubcová examines the differences you’ll encounter when using Compose for different platforms.
Thomas Künneth shows how the posture of a foldable significantly influences both position and size of various UI elements.
Amit Shekhar teaches about Hat vs Cold Flows in Kotlin.
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Libraries & Code
A CLI tool to convert multi-module Jetpack Compose compiler metrics into beautiful HTML reports
A collection of templates featuring a layered architecture ready to be used in greenfield projects or quick experiments, following the Guide to app architecture.
Kotlin ORM for JDBC and R2DBC
A custom Compose layout backed by a physics engine
A lightweight and extensible logger library for Kotlin and Android.
Google has released the newest version of Android TV OS, Android 13 for TV!
Google has released version 1.1 of Compose for Wear OS, the modern declarative UI toolkit to help developers build beautiful, responsive apps for Wear OS.
Alex Styl made a website to display Android's platform version distribution percentage.
Jetbrains released Ktor 2.2.0/2.2.1, which introduces many new features and fixes. Moreover, with the latest 2022.3 IntelliJ IDEA version, the Ktor plugin lets you generate OpenAPI documentation for server-side Ktor applications using the dedicated intention action.
Videos & Podcasts
Hear Leland Richardson and Alan Leung from Google talk about Compose Live Edit in the latest Android Studio Canary.
Philipp Lackner teaches how you can use the more modern version of Gradle in your Android Studio projects and migrate the older Gradle Groovy step by step to Kotlin DSL.
Charfaoui Younes shows how you can create and manipulate entities using various queries with the abstraction the Room provides as DAOs; you will see how it is easy to insert, update, remove and query your table with simple annotations with enhanced compile time checks!
Videos of all the presentations from Advanced Kotlin Dev Day 2022
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