Issue #572

May 28th, 2023
Articles & Tutorials
Kristen Halper finishes the blog series on animations in Jetpack Compose, polishing up the implementation with some more complex animation combos and background shaders.
Paul Blundell explains the steps needed in a typical Android take-home test given as part of the interview process.
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Omkar Tenkale builds the coroutine framework from scratch, closely emulating the official implementation but keeping things simple enough for even junior developers to understand.
How to implement a navigation bar with smooth custom animations.
Altuğ Keçiciler shows how to create a touch-held-down Modifier and improve the user experience of your Android app
This article — based on Tom Colvin's talk Don’t Fight The Architecture — is about how to architect your app well.
Shreyas Patil introduces PermissionFlow, an open-source library that provides a reactive API for tracking the state of permissions across an Android app.
Alex Zhukovich examines the "Regional Preferences" settings screen which appeared in Android 14, and allows users to set a few regional preferences.
In this second part on Updating widgets, Thomas Künneth examines how to use WorkManager to handle widget updates.
Miguel implements validation using Kotlin features, keeping in mind reusability and code readability.
How Material resources work together, from customizing the design kit to Android Studio and Relay
Stream is looking for a Lead Android Developer to head up our SDK development for Feeds, Chat, and Video SDKs. Our SDKs are used by thousands of companies and over a billion end users. The source code for SDKs is public on Github:
Libraries & Code
Lazy box library for Jetpack Compose, which allows to display lazy loaded items on the 2D plane.
KMM port of Material Color Utilities
Know about real-time state of a Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs.
Program Guide, aka EPG, library for Jetpack Compose
Lazy table library for Jetpack Compose that displays columns and rows of data on a two-directional plane.
Kotlin asynchronous media loading and caching library for Compose
Videos & Podcasts
Daniel Atitienei shows how to use Google Fonts in your Jetpack Compose apps
Alex Mamo explains a simple solution for implementing Firebase Authentication with email and password, using Jetpack Compose on Android.
Charfaoui Younes shows how to use the exported schema to create instances of databases at specific data points to test your database migrations thoroughly!
Tor, Romain, and Chet talk with Siva Velusamy and Sandhya Mohan from the Android Studio team about the just-launched Studio Bot.
Philipp Lackner teaches everything you need about nested navigation graphs in Jetpack Compose.
A series of videos to help with the challenges of designing and building great watch experiences that work for all.
In this episode of A Touch of Multiplatform, class is in session with Philipp Lackner! He shares his opinions around current education for engineers and developers, as well as how he came around on Kotlin Multiplatform.