Issue #584

August 20th, 2023
Articles & Tutorials
Marcin Moskała shows a couple of ways to improve the interoperability of your Kotlin code with Java.
André Oriani teaches how to create a simple version of Retrofit from scratch.
Elevate Your UI Design — From gradient backgrounds to interactive gestures, harness the power of custom modifiers with these techniques by Nirbhay Pherwani.
Cedric Ferry explores what stylus interactions look like and how to implement them in your Android apps.
Updates to StateFlow value are always conflated, and Márton Braun looks at how this affects writing tests.
In this third part on accessible graphs, Eevis Panula covers differentiating data by other means than color.
Donovan LaDuke considers the when keyword, a powerful control flow construct in Kotlin.
Zsolt Kocsi writes about evolving the Appyx library further with the release of version 2.0 which includes a number of improvements.
Nirbhay Pherwani dives into Combine, Merge, Zip and Transform functions for efficient flow management.
Katie Barnett shares some tips and tricks with Compose Modifiers, especially when they're applied conditionally.
Alexandre Brunea shows how to take the existing Compose pages and indicators and improve them with support for many more pages.
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Libraries & Code
JsonTree is an Android library to display JSON data in Compose with syntax highlighting and more.
Model-driven navigation + UI components with gesture control for Compose Multiplatform.
Experiments in doodling in compose. The drawing part works equally well in Android and in desktop compose
Videos & Podcasts
Chet and Romain speak with Ken Russell and Corentin Wallez from the WebGPU team
Charfaoui Younes helps discover the power of Room Full Text Search to elevate your data querying to new heights.
Philipp Lackner teaches how you can implement a Navigation Drawer with Material3.
Marina looks at how Firebase Test Lab helps you test your app on a Pixel Fold device.
Stevdza-San shows how to integrate charts into your Jetpack Compuse screens.