Issue #588

September 17th, 2023
Articles & Tutorials
Mike Yerou considers why Kotlin Multiplatform could change everything in the mobile dev world.
Notice a high ANR rate >> Open Google Play Console >> Exasperated sigh. It doesn’t have to be that way! Check out Embrace’s webinar to learn which ANR metrics and data sources matter. Actually solve ANRs >> Stay below Google’s orange line >> Bliss.
Sergio Sastre Florez examines, in broad terms, how AndroidUitestingUtils 2.0.0 uses the findings from the previous article to support writing cross-library screenshot tests.
André Oriani teaches how to code libraries that your iOS teammates will not frown upon using them. In this is the final chapter: Flow!
A two-day, free event with 40+ workshops and sessions brought to you by 50+ industry-leading speakers from eBay, Reddit, AWS and more. Learn from real-world examples of successful Mobile DevOps implementations. Check out our speaker list.
Ruthwik covers how to do a nice gradient border animation in Jetpack Compose.
Marcin Moskała dives into the theory of how Kotlin Multiplatform works.
Anton Popov shares how to optimize a workflow for developing custom UI components in Jetpack Compose.
Donovan LaDuke reviews some common options for notifying the UI after a network call, as well as their pros and cons.
Pierre-Yves Ricau answers the question: "How is an "Application Not Responding" (ANR) error triggered?"
There are multiple ways to create a compose rule and Joe Birch shares what each one can be used for so we can learn which one we’ll need for our different testing scenarios.
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Libraries & Code
A type safe Bundle for Android development
Google is prioritizing new ways to give users even more confidence in the quality and security of the apps and games they download, establishing Google Play as the most trusted app marketplace
In celebration of Hispanic and Latin Heritage, this month Google spoke with developers from Mexico and Spain.
Explore the original Material Color palette converted to Jetpack Compose. Click on a color to add it to your clipboard.
Videos & Podcasts
Jov Mit shows how to utilize BoxWithConstraints to achieve an essential business requirement.
Philipp Lackner teaches how you can create a tab layout in Material3 and Jetpack Compose so you can swipe between pages.
Charfaoui Younes shows how to develop a personalized design system utilizing Jetpack Compose.
Dive deep into the world of delegation in Kotlin. Delegation is a powerful concept in Kotlin that allows you to enhance code reusability, maintainability, and overall efficiency.
Ivan Morgillo and Sebastiano Poggi Are joined by Roberto Orgiu from Google for a deep dive into the realm of Android's expansive landscape: Large Screens!
Discover what Google is working on to help you navigate privacy and security on Google Play, and build trust with your users.