Issue #600

December 10th, 2023
Articles & Tutorials
Maia Grotepass' example of how to build something similar to Spotify Wrapped 2023 animations in Compose.
RevenueCat provides a backend and a wrapper around Play Billing Library (and Apple's StoreKit) to make implementing and managing in-app purchases and subscriptions easy. Integrate in minutes. Try for free.
A short post exploring the new K2 features announced recently and examining how they may impact Koin.
Ralf Wondratschek shows how Kotlin handles control flow with sealed types, when statements and smart casts elegantly.
A free guide pointing out the differences between Sentry and Crashlytics, that’s it. See which is best for your mobile crash reporting needs.
Nirbhay Pherwani takes a journey through advanced and lesser utilized Modifiers in Jetpack Compose.
Jaewoong Eum delves into a technique for optimizing app performance by utilizing the Baseline Profile.
KSP's current implementation has some gaps which Google is aiming to resolve with a new KSP2 architecture. This blog details those architectural changes and the impact for plugins built on KSP.
Lukas Kuppers' simple guide to using the Run payments with Stripe extension in a Firebase project.
Aleksander Jaworski shows how Mutation Testing validates test suites by altering production code logic. When tests pass despite code mutations, it signals missing test cases.
Donovan LaDuke shows what to do when there are Compose UI elements that shouldn't realign based on the user's configuration.
Coroutines are a concurrency design pattern, and Yves Kalume examines the differences between suspending and blocking.
Joe Birch continues this series on Compose for TV apps, examining the best approach to sharing Composables between TV and other platforms.
Compose for HTML has different components than Compose for SKIA. Gustavo Fão Valvassori explores how to configure a few of them.
Eevis Panula's fourth in a series on more accessible graphs with Jetpack Compose, this time adding on-screen controls to the graph.
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Libraries & Code
Preference implementation for Jetpack Compose Material 3
Ludi is a Kotlin multiplatform app (Android + Desktop) for browsing & discovering new games.
The Android Virtualization Framework (AVF) will be available on upcoming select Android 14 devices. The AVF, first introduced in Android 13 on Pixel devices, provides new capabilities for platform developers working on privileged applications.
Google announces Gemini Nano, their most efficient model built for on-device tasks, runs directly on mobile silicon, opening support for a range of important use cases. Running
Take the time to participate in this survey for shaping a better understanding of the current application architecture headaches faced by devs in the Kotlin ecosystem. You stand a chance to win one of two tickets to KotlinConf 2024 in Copenhagen.
Videos & Podcasts
This is how you can clip composables by using custom shapes, demonstrated by Jov Mit.
Learn more from Stevdza-San about sharing your UI implementation between Android and iOS using Compose Multiplatform.
Ilyas Ipek joins Android Developer Tips to share some of the most useful Android Studio plugins that you may find helpful.
Philipp Lackner teaches about the new state functions of Jetpack Compose (mutableIntStateOf(), mutableFloatStateOf() and mutableDoubleStateOf() and mutableLongStateOf())
Tomáš demonstrates techniques for improving Jetpack Compose app performance through measurement, debugging, and strategic optimization.
Understand how Frequentist inference works and what benefits this approach brings to your A/B Tests