We analyzed the aggregate stability data for the top apps in the world to shed light on the current state of mobile app stability and provide a benchmark for mobile teams to set the right targets on their path to excellence. This gives us unprecedented insight into what makes for the most successful qualities of the world’s biggest and best apps. Download the Mobile App Stability Outlook Benchmark Report and see how your app stacks up to industry benchmarks.
Manuel Vivo aims to summarise the Android Developer guidance on the UI layer, explore all the entities involved in it, understand the role each part plays, and discuss best practices.
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The androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class library is available for Jetpack Compose, but it is not currently available for Compose Multiplatform. This library changes that, by providing the WindowSizeClass for many of the platforms supported by Compose Multiplatform.
Timo Drick demystifies the art of writing pixel shaders. Learn the ins and outs of AGSL syntax, important features, and advanced techniques that will help you create fascinating graphical effects and animations.
Dive into the world of Kotlin Multiplatform with three special guests, Mike Nakhimovich, Yigit Boyar, and Matthew Ramotar, the minds behind the popular library 'Store' — a Kotlin Multiplatform library for building network-resilient applications.
Cloud Functions allows you to write server code that responds to events. You can respond to HTTP requests and events from within the Firebase ecosystem.