Issue #610

February 18th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Eric Ampire shows how Compose Multiplatform lets developers reuse and build the user interface once, and use it on all platforms — Android, iOS, web, and desktop.
sinasamaki teaches how to create a neumorphic UI style in Jetpack Compose.
Charfaoui Younes shares how you can effectively review Pull Requests with the Android Code Review Checklist.
What if we could use Generative AI to express with words what our photos represent, and have AI composing a storytelling about your moments. Gabriel Moreira sets up a workflow for doing just that.
Donovan LaDuke argues for skipping "UseCase" classes in certain situations.
Pierre-Yves Ricau's musings on building a better lookup for a large set of strings: Use a HashMap or is there something better?
Jake Wharton walks through an exercise of finding the right set of Kotlin functions for filtering a set of numbers.
FunkyMuse walks through the process of integrating SQLDelight into a KMP project, enabling you to efficiently manage your database interactions across various platforms (Android, iOS, and Desktop).
John O'Reilly takes a look at Amper, a new project configuration tool that JetBrains has been developing.
Every year with new Android Developer Previews, Mark Murphy takes a look at what API changes we can expect in the release. This time he examines the apparent minuscule release Android 15 DP1.
Joe Birch takes a look at how the new Google Play update prompts work so that we can start using it for our own apps.
Eevis Panula analyzes Accessibility Scanner and discusses how to test your app with it.
Brian Demers considers a type of technical debt known as “build rot,” which is an insidious enemy of efficiency and maintainability.
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Libraries & Code
sinasamaki shares some sample code for an animated LED numbers effect in Jetpack Compose.
PhotoView is an ImageView component that enables zoom functionality through diverse touch gestures for Android.
A light and extensible chart library for Android.
Google has announced the general availability of liability shift for Visa device tokens for Google Pay.
Does the idea of leading a student community at your university appeal to you? If so, consider leading a Google Developer Student Club!
Google has released the first Developer Preview of Android 15
Android is integrating cloud photos from your chosen cloud media app directly into the photo picker experience.
Developers can sign up for Google's Private Preview of Gemini 1.5 Pro, their mid-sized multimodal model optimized for scaling across a wide-range of tasks.
Videos & Podcasts
Daniel Atitienei takes a quick look at Lottie animation in Jetpack Compose
Alejandra Stamato is an Android community active member who recently switched from being an Android Developer Relations Engineer at Google working in Compose text and architecture, to a product role as Android Technical Lead at HubSpot
Immerse yourself in the world of Kotlin as the latest podcast episode unveils the inner workings of the Kotlin Foundation
Philipp Lackner show you everything you need to know about BasicTextField2
Yanneck Reiß shows how to react to Android app lifecycle changes through Lifecycle Events with the lifecycle compose library.
A post by Chet Haase leaving Google and the Android Developer Relations team.