Issue #621

May 5th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Embed a reliable document scanner with OCR in your app, enabling your customers to capture high-quality, legible documents that you can process effortlessly. Hundreds of companies and millions of users trust the Genius Scan technology. Supports Android, iOS, and cross-platform frameworks.
Garth Gilmour's first in a series of tutorials on how to easily manipulate and visualize your data using the Kotlin DataFrame and Kandy libraries
Chiara Chiappini walks you through available tools and libraries for satisfying app quality requirements — including the Horologist library, the Wear OS emulator in Android Studio, and adaptive icons.
Ian Lake shares the new Navigation Component with a full type safe system based on Kotlin Serialization, designed to work best with integrations like Navigation Compose.
Marco Gomiero shows how to deploy a Kotlin Multiplatform Android app to Google Play.
Donovan LaDuke considers using and overriding the .not() operator to make your code more legible.
John O'Reilly outlines steps taken to add use of Room to the FantasyPremierLeague KMP sample. This project had already been using Jetpack ViewModel and DataStore libraries.
Romain Guy considers how incredibly helpful Kotlin can be at making low-level/micro-optimized code easy to read for users of an API.
Google has released early guidance on how to create your very own shared element animations.
Jaewoong Eum teaches how to implement shared element transitions and container transforms in Jetpack Compose.
Tomáš Repčík shows how Android now provides a new Fused Orientation API from multiple sensors.
Kerry Bisset shows how to bring Koin DI into the mix with WorkManager.
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All in one open source wireframe kit for quick design and prototyping your idea. Its library contains more than 250+ components supporting darkmode and 150+ ready to use mobile screens.
Libraries & Code
Kafka uses to serve millions of audiobooks and pdf books available across a multitude of genres and languages. This open-source app uses Coroutines, Jetpack Compose, Material3, Room, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, ExoPlayer
An unstyled Menu (Dropdown) Compose Multiplatform component with keyboard navigation and animation support.
In this roundup, Daria Voronina delves into the key recent developments in the Kotlin ecosystem.
Google has announced that with the upcoming release of Kotlin 2.0, the Jetpack Compose compiler will move to the Kotlin repository.
Videos & Podcasts
Daniel Atitienei teaches how to compress images in Android. We'll build a simple app in which the user can select an image, and then it can compress it.
Learn about Android Studio Jellyfish, A/B testing power consumption with the new Power Profiler, and the new AndroidX releases!
Gemini in Android Studio (previously known as Studio Bot) is your AI-powered coding assistant, designed to make it easier for you to build high quality Android apps, faster.
Android Studio Jellyfish (2023.3.1) is making waves with its official stable release!
Stevdza-San shows how to use the MessageBar KMP Library.
Philipp Lackner shares all of the Android news from May 2024.
Inheritance, declaration-site variance, and type projections are all based on three simple rules for subtypes. Dave Leeds helps you understand those three rules.
Charfaoui Younes teaches how to create custom qualifiers in Dagger and Hilt to provide custom dependency from the different dependencies you have in your dependency graphs
Puf discusses updates from Google Cloud Next 2024, Firestore including Vector search for GenAI and the availability in 9 new locations, Gemini in Firebase now in public preview, and much more!
Playlist with all the sessions of Android Makers by droidcon 2024
Dmitri Chernysh demonstrates the new shared element transition, coming soon to Jetpack Compose.
Matthew Dolan outlines some steps to continually grow your expertise in Android development.