Issue #63

June 9th, 2013

Articles & Tutorials

Link Bild Cloud Save – Part 1 (

This week Mark Allison has started a new series on how to persist app state over multiple devices via Cloud Save.


Layout Inflation as Intended (
It’s common practice in the Android SDK, but you may be surprised to find that there is a wrong way to use LayoutInflater, and your application might be one of the offenders. The guys at Doubleencore have written about on how to do it right.

Navigation drawer with account picker (
This post describes how to create a navigation drawer with an account picker. Navigation drawer is a new UI pattern introduced in the last I/O. To do it I will use the new Google Service API with Drive SDK mixing them in order to achieve this goal.

Google Play Developer 8-Step Checkup (
An official checklist by Google that helps you remind you the quirks and perks when releasing an app.

Libraries & Code

ActionBar-PullToRefresh (
Chris Banes has released an open source Pull To Refresh ActionBar which is similar to the ActionBar in the new Gmail app.

Network monitoring with Merlin (
Merlin is a nice little library that helps you to monitor network changes (e.g. when the devices goes on- or offline). It got some cool callbacks and it's available as a jar or via maven.

Google Glass Mirror API Sample App (
Tristan Waddington has written a little sample app that demonstrates the interaction with the mirror API (for Google Glass).

Use keystore passwords with the Gradle build system (
Jacob Peddicord couldn't find a nice way to provide keystore passwords with the Gradle build system, so he wrote a short script to build & sign a release APK.


Siminov Android ORM (
Siminov Android ORM is a open source Object/Relational Mapping solution for Android environments. It maps data from an object model representation to a relational data model representation (and visa versa).


Link Bild Android Studio Tips Part 1 (

Android Studio is still in its infancy - but yet it's a pretty usable IDE. Donn Felker has created a little video that shows some tips and tricks.