Issue #632

July 21st, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Crashes, jank, and unresponsiveness in your Android app? Join us on Wednesday, July 31st to learn how to reproduce mobile issues and troubleshoot faster with a walkthrough of Session Replay for mobile.
Zsolt Bertalan continues this series on Android app architecture, looking at mapping data between app layers.
Kerry Bisset writes about injecting dependencies with Koin in runtime scenarios.
Mobile releases don’t have to be shouldered by a single person or small group of SMEs using hidden know-how to make the whole thing run. With adequate preparation and support, any mobile engineer (or even a PM or QA) should be able to tackle a release with the right resources in hand. Learn how and why to set up a release rotation for your own team.
Michal Ankiersztajn takes a look at how in and out keywords work in Kotlin.
Tanya Arora takes a look at how cancellation is a crucial feature of Kotlin coroutines for managing resources.
This guide by Marcin Piekielny gives you all the information you need to move to Kotlin Multiplatform.
Raheem Hameed writes about Jetpack Datastore, a new data storage solution in Android, and how to use it in a Compose application.
Zach Klippenstein explains derivedStateOf, focusing on code, including examples from the actual Compose source.
Eevis Panula covers the topic of locked orientation.
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Libraries & Code
Jetpack Compose blur effect library, which falls back onto a CPU-based implementation to support older API levels.
Unstyled, fully accessible Compose Multiplatform UI components that you can customize to your heart's desire.
Kotlin Multiplatform Push Notification Library targetting android, iOS, Desktop and Web (JS and Wasm)
The next stop on Google's I/O Connect tour is Bengaluru, India.
Google shares how you can prepare your app for Wear OS 5 and how to build adaptive apps that scale across mobile, tablets, foldables and more!
Videos & Podcasts
Charfaoui Younes explores the incorrect use of the use case pattern in your Android app.
Tor and Romain find themselves without a guest and decide to chat about micro-optimizations and writing custom tools.
Learn more about ViewModel + Koin in KMP commonMain
Philipp Lackner shows you how to generate the relevant files to distribute your Kotlin Multiplatform app to Google Play, App Store, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
Daniel Atitienei shows how to create an image carousel in Jetpack Compose.
Intro to a new series of quick and easy Compose tips that'll make your UIs shine
This video will show you the three simple steps to safely handle insets to prevent content from overlapping system UI elements.
Videos of all the presentations from droidcon San Francisco 2024
Before diving into a new feature, Kaushik Gopal asks the team to scout the parts of the codebase that will need to change. As we explore, refactor for clarity.
A thorough comparison of JetBrains' Ktor with Spring Boot.