Issue #634

August 4th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
With Scanbot SDK, you can integrate advanced barcode and document scanning into your app in 10 minutes. Save development time with ready-to-use screens. Optimized for speed and reliability. 100% offline. Get regular updates and developer support via Slack. Try it now!
Karol Wrótniak teaches about list and link semantics. Moreover, you’ll see how to test your app with various tools like TalkBack, Switch Access, Android Ally, and Accessibility Scanner.
Krzysztof Borowy explores an implementation that allows Snackbars to be displayed not only from within the Compose UI tree but also from outside of it, such as from a ViewModel.
Frank van Puffelen explains why geoqueries were hard on Firestore, how you can now do it much easier, and compare the approaches.
Security is tricky, but vital to protecting your users and their data. Google is here to help you build secure Android apps with fewer vulnerabilities for an even safer Android ecosystem for everybody.
Zsolt Bertalan teaches about the differences between Response and Reply classes.
Gustavo Fão Valvassori shows how Lottie and Bodymovin provide amazing animations that you can now use in your Compose Multiplatform projects.
Donovan LaDuke shows how oversharing can be avoided by adding an .aiexclude file to your project.
Jansel Valentin explores how Jetpack Compose Previews work, along with a complete sample project and a few practical use cases where this knowledge proves useful.
Migrating from Hilt to Koin might seem daunting initially, but it's more manageable than you might think. To simplify the process, here's a comprehensive guide for you.
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The current state of apps and the advent of AI makes it important to have an action centered design approach to designing apps. The phone is only a part of a much larger ecosystem.
Libraries & Code
A simple 2D game engine built purely in Jetpack Compose.
Google has released Android 15 Beta 4, the last scheduled update in our Android 15 beta program.
The countdown to KotlinConf 2025 which will take place from May 21–23, 2025, in Copenhagen, Denmark, has officially begun.
In June, Google released Gemma 2, their new best-in-class open models, in 27 billion (27B) and 9 billion (9B) parameter sizes.
Google introduces Collections: a seamless way to showcase personalized content and guide users on continuous journeys that lead directly into your app.
Videos & Podcasts
Charfaoui Younes discusses how sealed classes and interfaces can improve your code and examine the differences between them.
Daniel Atitienei creates an app that observes when the network connectivity changes using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin.
In this video, Rosario discusses updates on AI monitoring, Genkit, Firestore backups GA, Firebase SDKs, and more!
Philipp Lackner's introduction to using the Kotlinx DateTime API in Compose Multiplatform.
Dave Leeds gives an overview of coroutines in Kotlin, including the basics of coroutines, how they can be used for concurrency and parallelism.
In this episode, learn how to use nested scrolling in Compose, for a seemingly complex coordination between multiple components on a single scroll.
Stevdza-San examines geocoding, location & place autocomplete in Kotlin Multiplatform.