Issue #637

August 25th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Take the pain out of configuring and testing your app's paywalls. With RevenueCat Paywalls you can remotely configure and edit your entire paywall view without waiting on App Review.
In this first part, Pooja Shaji discusses how to implement an Android library as a module dependency and reuse it.
Abhishek Dubey walks through the steps to automate the login flow of a mobile application, addressing the common pain points of repetitive and time-consuming manual logins.
Uli Bubenheimer continues exploring effective patterns and best practices for the android-maps-compose GitHub library.
Dobri Kostadinov explores the differences between TextField and BasicTextField and their unique features, then discusses when and how to use each.
Michal Ankiersztajn shares a Kotlin technique for analyzing code at runtime.
Amit Shekhar writes about the data class in Kotlin and how it works internally.
Manel Martos Roldán shows how to create stunning graphics across platforms with Compose and Shaders.
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Libraries & Code
ArtMaker is a flexible and customisable library that allows users to draw anything they want on screen and has been built fully with Jetpack Compose
FitFlexTV is a home workout app. It uses Firebase for real-time data and secure authentication, with Clean Architecture and MVI pattern, and Jetpack Compose for TV for a reusable UI.
Learn how Android 15 can run with 4 KB or 16 KB page sizes in order to improve the operating system performance overall and to give device manufacturers an option to make this trade-off,
In just a few days, on Tuesday, August 27 at 10AM PT, Google will drop the summer episode of #TheAndroidShow, on YouTube and on
Videos & Podcasts
bdul Basit examines how to get started with KMP, working with Expect and Actual, available libraries, and Compose Multiplatform.
Discover the inspiring story of Joe Birch, one of the most recognized Android Developers worldwide, from his childhood to SENIOR ENGINEER II at Buffer.
Charfaoui Younes explores a powerful method for simplifying the creation of the network layer in Android.
Dave Leeds shows how to apply the Decorator Pattern using the classic approach, and modernizes the pattern using some of Kotlin's language features.
Jeremy Woods talks about the migration from fragments to Compose and the recently added APIs to help this process.
Philipp Lackner shows how you can easily show snackbars from any place, like ViewModels or other classes. These snackbars will also stay across navigation transitions.
Sebastian Sellmair shows how to re-implement the basics of kotlinx.coroutines, such as launching coroutines, Dispatchers and switching context.