Read how Squarespace’s Unfold team made their mobile release process boring: learn what these non-eventful releases are like and how they came about, dig into how eventful they used to be, and hear why having uneventful releases is a superpower.
Thomas Künneth refines the user experience of the sample app: the user will be able to highlight an area of the image. If they do so, the app will ask Gemini to focus on the selection.
Yves Kalume shares insights and practical strategies for managing state in your Android apps, from handling configuration changes to preparing for process death.
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The 1.0 stable version of the Compose adaptive APIs with Material guidance is out, ready to be used in production. The library helps you build adaptive layouts that provide an optimized user experience on any window size.
Sarp Remzi Aksu delves into the principles of reactive programming and demonstrates how RxKotlin can be leveraged to manage asynchronous operations, handle data streams, and implement reactive architectures.
Rebecca Franks shows Flow layouts along with how to use them and tricks for using them to work on different sized devices. Making your experience delightful for all device sizes too!
Chet, Romain, and Tor chat with Doris Liu from the Compose team about animations in Compose -- covering everything from the basic primitives up to the recently added Shared Element Transitions.
This is how the story of Kotlin began. What led to the success of Kotlin, and what were the costs to earn its spot in the industry? In this documentary, you will hear the story from the source.