The hidden costs of mobile releases—wasted time, rising risks, and developer frustration—add up quickly. Watch our on-demand webinar to learn why mobile releases are challenging—and how teams are cutting release times by 25% to deliver features faster and with confidence.
Watch Instabug’s CPO, Kenny Johnston in this recorded webinar as he showcases how cutting-edge AI is changing the mobile observability and app quality game. Discover how AI automates the detection and fixing of app quality issues, leaving mobile teams to focus on new features and innovation.
Jaewoong Eum delves into the role of Coroutine Dispatchers in Kotlin, explaining how they determine the thread or thread pool where a coroutine executes, and discusses their critical role in managing coroutine execution contexts.
Oğuzhan Aslan provides an overview of LazyGrids in Jetpack Compose, explaining how to create efficient and flexible grid layouts in Android applications.
Ioannis Anifantakis explains how to speed up Android tests by mocking network calls using MockK, Koin, and Ktor, providing a practical guide with examples.
Jolanda Verhoef demonstrates how to create a spotlight effect by overlaying Compose UI elements on top of a CameraX preview, utilizing the new camera-compose artifact and Compose’s gesture and graphics systems.
Zsolt Bertalan describes the architecture of the data layer in Android applications, covering Data Service, Data Source, Repository, and Interactor layers.
Learn more about the Second Developer Preview of Android 16, Android XR, the Spotlight Week on Android Camera and Media, the Android Studio Ladybug Feature Drop and more!