Issue #75

November 1st, 2013

Articles & Tutorials

Link Bild ActionBarCompat – Part 4 (

Mark Allison continues his series on ActionBarCompat showing how to work with ActionModes


Android Animations Tutorial 7: The secret of fillBefore, fillAfter and fillEnabled (
Are using fillBefore, fillAfter and fillEnabled confusing you? Check out this article, with a good explanation of how they work and interact.

Link Bild Making your App Content more Accessible from Google (

An article on the official Android blog about making your app content more accessible.


Why It’s Time To Support Only Android 4.0 and Above (
Danny Roa has written a nice post where he explains why it's time to support only Android 4.0+ devices.

Solving the Android image loading problem: Volley vs. Picasso (
The guys at the BigNerdRanch are comparing the main two image loading solutions that are out there: Volley vs. Picasso

Testing Your Android GCM Broadcast Receiver without GCM Messages (
So depending on your environment it's kind of a PITA to test Google Cloud Messaging on an actual device. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just test the code locally that would receive those magical GCM messages? You can and this post by Nicholas Pike explains how.

Watch That Baseline Alignment (
Dave Smith has written a nice tutorial how to build a row of elements with a LinearLayout the right way and with a proper baseline.

GridView with Auto Resized Images on Android (
In this post by Roger Câmara you'll learn how to implement a GridView with automatically resizing images.

Making That Google Plus Profile Screen (
Antoine Merle has written a tutorial how to implement the Google Plus Profile screen. Lot of nice layouting tricks inside.

Android 4.4 & rendering pipeline improvements (
Romain Guy describes some of the graphics-related optimizations you'll get with Android 4.4.


Link Bild Firebase: A Real-Time Backend for Your Android App (

Using Firebase's Java SDK, you can easily add real-time features to your app without worrying about networking, scaling, or writing complicated server code. Firebase's synchronization-based API is perfect for building cross-platform apps, and handles caching, reconnecting, and data merging. Get started in 2 minutes with the Quickstart Guide.

Link Bild Freelance with Companies like Airbnb, IDEO & JPMorgan (

Work on special projects with great companies through Toptal. Set your weekly/hourly rate, and work from anywhere in the world as an Elite Python Developer. See if you have what it takes!


Libraries & Code

Card Library (
Gabriele Mariotti has released version 0.7 of his Card Library. Carf Library provides an easy way to display a UI Card in your Android app.

Android Development Notes (
The guys at CodePath have released some nice guys how the roll the android development game.


Link Bild Android KitKat for developers (

Google has released the Nexus 5 and alongside with it the latest version of the Android operating system: Android KitKat. In this official document you'll learn about the new features like detecting low memory devices, new media capabilties or Audio Tunneling to DSP.



Link Bild DevBytes: What's New in Android 4.4 (

Reto Meier regales us with the latest about Android 4.4 KitKat.