Issue #91

March 2nd, 2014

Articles & Tutorials

Protip: Use textAllCaps on API14 via AppCompat (
Michael Barany shares a tip about supporting textAllCaps attributes via the AppCompat library

Link Bild Rest interaction in Android (

Here are Federico Paolinelli's thoughts on interacting with REST services based on his presentation at Droidcon Italy.


Slides: Functional Reactive Programming on Android (
Yaroslav Heriatovych presents a thorough look at FRP in Android development with lots of examples for both services calls and UI interactions.

Integration Testing against REST APIs (
Here's a great look at options for doing integration testing against backend services in Android apps.

Protip: Padding and scroll indicators for scrollable containers (
One of the common issues with UI fit-and-finish that Roman Nurik and the rest of the DevRel team come across is improper padding and scroll indicators for padded scroll containers like ListViews, GridViews, and ScrollViews.

Android Studio vs. Eclipse: What You Need To Know (
Rex St. John wrote this guide to cover the basics of what you need to know before migrating your Eclipse projects over the Android Studio.


Link Bild Polish Your Java Skills & Land Your Dream Job (

Study the Java & Android tutorials on Treehouse and make better apps. No coding skills? Learn from scratch and code that app idea you had. Start Learning For Free!

Link Bild Sample Codes for Video 3D on Android (

In Android, it is very easy to create an app that can play video clips; it is also easy to create a game app with 3D graphic surface. But it is not straightforward to create an app that can play video on a 3D graphic object. This article describes an app Mark Liu created with the goal of meeting this challenge. The app plays a video rendering on the 3D surface and lets the user play with the video surface interactively.



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Libraries & Code

Double Espresso (
A pure Gradle port of the Espresso testing utility for Android by Jake Wharton

TypedPreferences (
This library for Android provides classes which allow to store and retrieve settings from the preferences.

Link Bild FreeFlow (

A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change


Glide (
Glide is fast and efficient image loading library for Android that wraps image downloading, resizing, memory and disk caching, and bitmap recycling into one simple and easy to use interface. By default, Glide includes an implementation for fetching images over http based on Google's Volley project for fast, parallelized network operations on Android.

Android-ReactiveLocation (
Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.