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January 5th, 2025
Articles & Tutorials
Simon Grimm will show you how to fix them with less guesswork. Join Sentry's workshop to get practical tools and best practices for debugging Android applications.
Nathan Kayumba teaches about Model Mappers, a vital tool to structure your data and simplify its handling.
Jaewoong Eum explores ViewModel's inner workings, diving into its internal implementation and understanding how it operates under the hood
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Abhiraj Khare shows how to migrate an Android application codebase to Compose Multiplatform for iOS, Android and Desktop.
Tosin Onikute examines the options and shares recommendations to help you choose the best local database for your new project.
Ignacio Carrión walks through an example of setting up dependency injection in a Compose Multiplatform app using Koin.
David Guerrero makes starting multiplatform apps even easier with a Compose Multiplatform Template.
Manpreet Kunnath creates a Show More/Show Less text component in Jetpack Compose.
Saud Khan examines how Google Play provides several types of tracks where you are release the app and each of them come with their own limitations and requirements.
Libraries & Code
Compose Multiplatform app designed to craft the perfect meme
A modern Kotlin Multiplatform Desktop client for ADB commands, reimagined from the original Python adbGUI project.
Videos & Podcasts
Jov Mit's step-by-step guide to contributing to open-source.
Philipp Lackner shows how you can record the Android device's screen and save the recording as MP4 in the user's gallery.
Dave Leeds look at the new pattern guards preview feature in Kotlin 2.1.
Daniel Atitienei builds a simple application that opens a deep link to a product screen with a certain ID.
Playlist of presentations from the Cyprus Kotlin User Group meetup in October.

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Roman Nurik
Android Designer at Google

Certainly one of the most convenient ways to stay on top of all the #AndroidDev news coming from Google and the community every week.


Lars Vogel
Eclipse and Android Evangelist

Great Android newsletter, very well researched. Get your weekly Android update now!


Mark Allison
Mobile Innovator, Author of

Android Weekly is a great way to keep up with what's happening in the Android development community.


Smashing Magazine
Online magazine

Android Weekly: an Android newsletter and a toolbox with useful resources for Android devs/designers.


Chris Banes
Android Developer @ Google

What can be better than getting the latest #AndroidDev news delivered straight to your inbox?


Joaquim Vergès
Developer of Falcon

Finally a service I can count on to make sure I keep up with the latest great AndroidDev innovations, without the hassle of searching.

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