Articles & Tutorials | |
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Android Kiosk Mode: Rules for Restrictions
This article shares some of the author's experience working with kiosk mode applications for Android devices and discusses some of the pitfalls of their development and ways to solve common problems. | |
Gradle tip #2: understanding syntax
This article will help you understand Gradle's Groovy syntax and stop being scared when you see complex build.gradle scripts. | |
Dependency injection with Dagger 2 - the API
This post is a part of series of posts showing Dependency Injection in Android with Dagger 2. This one delves into a fundamentals of Dagger 2 and goes through the whole API of this Dependency Injection framework. | |
Easy SQLite on Android with RxJava
Cédric Beust started using a pretty simple design pattern that uses Rx to offer what is a fairly simple way of managing your database access with RxJava. | |
Things You May Not Know: onResumeFragments
If you are using any subclass of FragmentActivity and you are thinking of doing any kind of fragment transaction in onResume, do it in onResumeFragments. | |
An Introduction to RxJava for Android (Pt. 1)
This article takes a simple look at RxJava so you’ll understand what it is and why its awesome. | |
Developing for Android Part III - Performance
On Android, performance and memory are closely intertwined, since the memory footprint of the overall system can affect the performance of all of the processes, and since the garbage collector can have a significant impact on runtime performance. | |
Design Support Library - Android GDE Review
After Google IO, the Android GDE team got together to gather their thoughts about the most significant announcements from the conference. These were the key points from their discussion | |
Composition over Inheritance - What it means for your Activities
Josh Brown shares a great tip on how to use headless fragments (those without a layout) to help compose your UI implementation. | |
Open-sourcing Facebook Infer: Identify bugs before you ship
Static analyzers are automated tools that spot bugs in source code by scanning programs without running them. Facebook is open-sourcing Infer, a static program analyzer that Facebook uses to identify bugs before mobile code is shipped. | |
Design Library – Part 1
In this series Mark Allison will look at taking the RSS Reader app that he used as a basis for the Material series, and re-write it to make full use of the new Design Support Library. | |
PSA: fix MultiDex build crashes
Sebastiano Poggi shares a tip on how to avoid out of memory issues when using multidex in your build. | |
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Looking for new Android development opportunities?
In 1 week on the Hired Marketplace, you'll get 5+ offers from top tech companies around the US and UK. Want to learn more? Check out Hired today! | |
Design | |
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No, the Floating Action Button is NOT bad UX design
A counterpoint to last week's article which made the argument that the FAB is bad UX design. | |
Jobs | |
Android Developer @ Flipboard
(Palo Alto, CA)
Here at Flipboard you will take on complex problems, experiment with open source solutions and enjoy a culture that celebrates constant innovation. In this role you will work on a completely unique and beautiful app and be able to pair your experience with a talented and fun team! | |
Libraries & Code | |
Here's a sample app that implements many Material design patterns using the new Material support library. | |
Videos | |
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Mastering Recycler View
Dave Smith gave an amazing talk about Recycler View at Droidcon Montreal. Here's the video together with the slides! | |
Using LINT for Performance
Wouldn't it be great if there was a magical tool that would scan your code, and let you know about performance problems before your users found out about it? There is. It’s called LINT, and it’s a tool, built right into Android Studio to help you track down all sorts of issues. | |