Issue #609

February 11th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Ban Markovic considers why having a strong GitHub portfolio is crucial for showcasing your skills to potential employers.
Embed a reliable document scanner with OCR in your app, enabling your customers to capture high-quality, legible documents that you can process effortlessly. Hundreds of companies and millions of users trust the Genius Scan technology. Supports Android, iOS, and cross-platform frameworks.
Marcin Moskała elaborates on why abstraction is one of the most important concepts in the programming world.
Konstantin Zolotov delves into Dex file inspection and builds a tool that demonstrates how source code changes impact the compiled binary.
James Williams explores the 1.2 release of Material Design 3 for Compose.
A look at how Google created a 360° event-scale augmented reality (AR) experience in their booth at CES 2024.
Romain Guy examines a micro-optimization of the Kotlin isBlank() function.
Jake Wharton shows how some lambda initialization variants Kotlin collections are optimized for certain situations.
Jigar Brahmbhatt explores how Kotlin 1.9.20's new features significantly enhance the experience of setting up target source sets.
Alex Zhukovich examines dividers in the "Material 2" and "Material 3" libraries.
Daniel Atitienei shares various methods on how to add Lottie animations in your app using Jetpack Compose.
Arnaud Giuliani announces the release of Koin 3.6.0-wasm-alpha2, which seamlessly integrates with Kotlin/Wasm's cutting-edge capabilities.
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Libraries & Code
Squiggly slider, inspired by Android 13's media player notification.
Arkadii Ivanov's weekend project - a Minesweeper game implemented in Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform!
EventKT is an Android tracking library that efficiently group events and implements disk caching to safeguard against crashes, providing insightful analytics for app performance and user behaviour
Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0-beta02 is out! The updated version brings several enhancements
Videos & Podcasts
Dave Leeds takes a look at Kotlin's support for non-denotable intersection types, and how we can even pass them to functions with compile-time type checking!
Philipp Lackner teaches how to implement a swipe-to-delete gesture for LazyColumns in Jetpack Compose.
Charfaoui Younes shows how to help or assist the creation of an object that requires multiple values, parameters that can be passed by the DI framework, and parameters that can be passed at the create time, aka assisted by the user.
Daniel Atitienei creates a translucent status bar in Jetpack Compose.
This series of videos by Madona S. Wambua begins with recipes to get you started with the declarative UI framework, Jetpack Compose, and help you with handling UI states, Navigation, Hilt, Room, Wear OS, and more as you learn what's new in modern Android development.