Issue #615

March 24th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
Register and join our webinar on April 9th to learn about Android malware's most common behavior and attack techniques; recommended mitigation techniques; and a case study highlighting the importance of code hardening and runtime protection in preventing malware attacks.
Chris Banes writes about how Circuit makes retaining UI state with Compose effortless.
Shreyas Patil shows how in Compose 1.6, an API was added by which we can redirect rendering into a Picture, which can then be used to create a Bitmap.
See how your app stacks up with Sentry’s mobile monitoring maturity curve. You’ll get tips on how to optimize your app with things like TTID and TTFD. Plus, it’ll help you get rid of those pesky slow loads.
Pushpal Roy implements long press on the carousel indicators section and then swipe left or right for fast scrolling.
Michal Ankiersztajn examines the Decorator pattern in Kotlin and shows how it can be applied to everyday programming.
Mark Murphy rummages through the API differences report for Android 15 Developer Preview 2.
Eevis Panula looks at Compose UI Checks and how they can help with catching some accessibility issues in your app.
Donovan LaDuke follows up about exhaustive checks focusing on if blocks.
Java toolchains are rarely a good idea. Jake Wharton looks at why this is the case.
If you’re using ViewModels keep these tips from Reza in mind for better code quality.
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Since the Ktor Roadmap for 2024 was published there have been a lot of questions regarding Dependency Injection (DI).
Covers the stabilization of the new Kotlin K2 compiler. In addition, there are new features in Kotlin/Wasm and Kotlin/JS, as well as improvements for the Gradle build tool. The next stabilization release will be Kotlin 2.0.0-RC1.
Videos & Podcasts
In this Compose Multiplatform Android Studio Tutorial, learn about Dependency Injection in Compose Multiplatform App using the Koin Library.
Jessica Hannah Randall guides you through the fascinating world of concurrency, showcasing how Java and Kotlin efficiently handle tasks, their unique strengths, and their applications in real-world scenarios.
Dave Leeds shows how you can use type projections to get generic subtyping - even for types that are in library code!
Nicola Corti interviews Takahiro Menju, Android GDE and author of Roborazzi.
In this live-stream session, Adam McNeilly adds some UI tests to a MainActivity!
Daniel Atitienei shows how to remove items from a lazy column with a simple swipe!
Charfaoui Younes shows how we can implement a cool effect in Jetpack Compose using only the basics.
Philipp Lackner shows you how to implement Biometric Auth in your Android app.
Build a Full MVVM Application for iOS and Android with Compose Multiplatform in Kotlin
Yanneck Reiß takes a look at how we can drag and drop rich content by the example of text content from one Android app to another.
Covers updates on Android 15 Developer Preview 2, a recap from #TheAndroidShow, the Google I/O date for this year, and much more!