Issue #617

April 7th, 2024
Articles & Tutorials
If you’ve ever run into an Expo issue, this one’s for you. Come learn how to use Debug IDs, upload source maps (fast), and get tips for an overall better experience. Save your spot now.
Stylianos Gakis shows how to add a share link for your app in the navigation overview screen.
Olwethu Pissot shares info about a significant insight from the Kotzilla developer survey.
Embed a reliable document scanner with OCR in your app, enabling your customers to capture high-quality, legible documents that you can process effortlessly. Hundreds of companies and millions of users trust the Genius Scan technology. Supports Android, iOS, and cross-platform frameworks.
Thomas Kioko offers insights into a personal journey of arriving at a navigation solution.
Harsh Shandilya examines a couple of ways to speed up your Gradle project load times.
sinasamaki builds a fancy loading animation for your Android app.
Joe Birch takes a quick look at how we can use the Android Photo Picker in our apps – both in Composable UI and within activities/fragments.
Gustavo Fão Valvassori shows how with a few changes you can also build your application for other platforms, such as iOS, macOS, and the Web.
Paul Blundell briefly introduces setting up the Gemini API client SDK on Android to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images.
Megh Lath shows how to implement biometric authentication with Jetpack Compose and AES encryption in Android apps for enhanced security and user experience.
JetBrains has published a new guide on exporting a Kotlin Multiplatform framework as a SwiftPM dependency.
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Libraries & Code
Gradle Plugin for reporting build metrics at the end of the build.
A utility (Gradle Plugin + CLI) to convert Jetpack Compose compiler metrics and reports to beautified HTML page.
This library provides easy integration with the Android OS "Recents" screen by automatically figuring out if you are in a screen which has a deep link, and provides that deep link as the copyable/shareable link using the URL Sharing feature.
This library includes the standalone functions for Composable Sheep, Composable Fluff and Loading Sheep.
The new Ktor Plugin Registr enables the submission of community-based plugins to the Ktor team, categorizes plugins for easy searching, and provides users with essential documentation.
A survey about the Kotlin Multiplatform State of the Art 2024, which aims to shed light on the state of Kotlin Multiplatform development in 2024.
Videos & Podcasts
Daniel Atitienei shows how to create an adaptive navigation bar using Jetpack Compose in this tutorial.
Mohsen Mirhoseini and Saurabh Arora guide you step by step on how to create a stunning Speedometer using Jetpack Compose Canvas!
Nicola Corti interviews guest Guilherme Oenning, creator of Aptabase!
Stevdza-San lists several tips that will improve you're app's architecture.
Charfaoui Younes shows how to provide data to Preview Composables functions, thus making your preview dynamic and easy to implement.
Alexey Bykov shares practical approaches with ExoPlayer that go beyond what is documented.
Kotlin offers many different kinds of classes and in this video, Dave Leeds looks at all of them.
Philipp Lackner shows you all the Android News for April 2024!
Payal, Product Marketing Manager for Android and Google Play, shares important updates from our April 2024 Google Play policy announcements.
The beta version of the Firebase Release Monitoring dashboard allows you to monitor all the data you need to feel confident about your releases in real time
Updates on Google I/O 2024, Women's History Month, Vulkan on Android, and much more!
Learn about recent developments in Kotlin/Wasm: tools, compiler, and the ecosystem around it. Zalim Bashorov shares practical examples, demonstrating how Kotlin/Wasm could be used in various environments
Luca Nicoletti shows how to add a GroundOverlay, using images, on top of a Google Map using Jetpack compose.