Articles & Tutorials | |
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Zen Android MVVM
This article by Cain Wong is a follow up to the Okuki library introduction from last week. It's about developing a clean architecture while staying sane. | |
Converting an App to Use Clean Architecture
In this article Joe Birch tells us about his journey moving an app with almost no architecture to a clean architecture. | |
How to Make Widgets on Android
There are a lot blog posts about making apps - but rarely some about making widgets. This one explains the basics and tells you about the things to look out for and some caveats when developing a widget. | |
Migrating off Roboguice 3 - Part 1
A post by Mark Ng describing the motivation moving away from the retired Roboguice 3 library - be sure to checkout the second part as well. | |
Migrating off Roboguice 3 - Part 2
Follow up post by Mark Ng where he compares different implementations in various DI frameworks. | |
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A post by Tamas Vegh describing his journey to create the shimmer layout library. Also checkout the repository in the code section. | |
Android Architecture Components - Looking at Lifecycles - Part 3
In this blog post, Rebecca Franks examines the new classes that were introduced to handle Lifecycle changes. | |
Dagger 2 - Custom scopes, Component dependencies, Subcomponents
A more advanced Dagger 2 tutorial by Eugene Matsyuk. | |
Google Assistant Trivia Game
Google open sourced a trivia game app for the Google Assistant, and now you get to see the design and logic that makes it all work using Actions on Google, the development platform for the Google Assistant. | |
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Architecture Components: LiveData
In this series Mark Allison takes a look at the new architecture components and shows how we can benefit from them. In this second article he takes a look at LiveData. | |
WebRTC for Android — Loopback P2P calls
Peer to Peer video calling is on the rage for sometime and now every app has audio/video calling inbuilt. This tutorial series is all about exploring the possibility of providing such feature in an easy and understandable manner for beginners. | |
Kotlin delegates in Android development - Part 2
This is the second part of a two part series by Fabio Collini that explains how to implement the delegate pattern in Kotlin. | |
Android O: Phone Number Verification With SMS Tokens
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the cool new SMS token feature in Android O. You'll learn how to generate an app-specific token that will fire up a pending intent when the device first receives a message containing that token so as to verify the phone number. | |
FSM on Android: how to reach app modularity?
In this article by Romain Rochegude you'll learn to implement a finite state machine to structure your app. | |
Knowledge boost for junior Android developers - Part I
This is a blog post dedicated to beginners to avoid certain pitfalls and get you up to speed. Even if you're an advanced Android developer there might be something in the list that you don't know. | |
Kotlin can’t choose
Nice article by Benjamin Monjoie about a Kotlin language quirk regarding lambdas. | |
Android O, N and below component lifecycles and background tasks
With Android O changes are coming how you start background tasks. One of the main differences is that a Started Service that does not have a persistent notification won’t be allowed to run in the background when the Activity goes away. In this post you'll learn how to implement background tasks the right way in Android O. | |
Using ResultReceiver to communicate with IntentService
In this post by Bakhtar Sobat you'll learn how to use ResultReceiver to get results from an IntentService. An IntentService is a base class for services that handles asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. It's a common pattern to offload work from the main thread - but passing data around can be a bit tedious. | |
Android Interview Questions
So - you want to land your dream job as an Android developer then you should take a look at these questions. I admit many of them are knitpicking niche topics and probably (to stand an interview) you must not now everything - but it's a great compilation anyways. | |
Jobs | |
Spread your Android Dev job offer to thousands of Android Devs
With a job posting in Android Weekly, you will reach more than 57000 Android developers around the world. Spread your job offer in Android Weekly today. | |
Libraries & Code | |
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A simple drop down view with built-in animations. | |
An IdlingResource for Espresso which wraps an RxJava Scheduler. | |
A reactive wrapper around Android's fingerprint API that handles encrypting/decrypting sensitive data using a fingerprint. | |
A wrapper for the Android adb tool. It's just adb on steroids. | |
Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications by Supercharge. | |
Videos & Podcasts | |
Learning Kotlin – Properties a first class language feature
In this mini Fragment, KG talks about his journey learning Kotlin as a newby. | |
Events | |
Intro to Android Architecture Components — 20 July
Join us Google Developer Experts Rebecca Franks, Alex Koller and Dario Mungoi as they take you through the new Android Architecture Components introduced during Google I/O 2017. | |