Issue #283

November 12th, 2017

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Migration to RxJava 2.x (

Dmytro Khmelenko shares some insights on his experience migrating to RxJava 2.x, some issues he found, and the way he solved them.

Android Things - IoT possibilities (

HacksterIO recently launched a competition with Google & NXP to explore new AndroidThings IoT concepts. This article runs through the Novoda entries and get some insights from the authors.

Experimenting with Gradle dependencies (

Alex Fu took a standard dependencies block and grouped the dependencies by feature, then created a dependencyGroup DSL to write dependencies naturally.

RadialGradient (

Mark Allison wraps up his series on Radial gradients describing how to render them on a hardware layer.

link image   Adv Android training by Big Nerd Ranch - Jan 2018 (

Join us for an intense 5-day course for advanced Android developers. Gain new skills, meet other developers and even get help with a specific project. Android Weekly readers get a $100 discount by using code “BNR_AndWkly_100off” - Registration closes December 2017

Kotlin DSL to write Gradle scripts on Android: Step by step walkthrough (

Using Kotlin DSL on your Gradle files. Is it worth it? Antonio Leiva answers that for us.

Rx2Firebase : Firebase + RxJava (

Francisco García Sierra introduces Rx2Firebase, a Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google’s Android Firebase library.

Migrating Crashlytics to the Firebase Console (

Nate Ebel shows how to migrate your app to the new Firebase Crashlytics reporting.

Beginner’s Guide to Gradle for Android Developers (

This article by Adam Haafiz gives you a high-level overview of Gradle and how it fits into the entire build system when developing Android applications.

Secure data in Android — Encryption in Android (Part 2) (

This article shows how to work with keyguard, how to create and manage cryptographic keys and how to encrypt and decrypt data in Android.

Alias free resize with RenderScript (

Petros Douvantzis shows how to implement a flexible bitmap resizing solution using RenderScript.

Welcome to Android Studio 3.0 (

Andrew Lord shares some tips for upgrading to the latest Gradle Android plugin in the new Android Studio 3.0

Testing like a pro in Kotlin (

The Karumi team published some Kotlin katas they use during training to show how applications can be tested.



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Senior Android Developer (Remote)

At Doist, we strive to build not only amazing products but amazing groups of people. Our multidisciplinary teams are passionate about creating products like Todoist and Twist that improve people’s lives. Doist is a global, remote-first company.

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Libraries & Code

link image   RIBs (

RIBs is the cross-platform architecture framework behind many mobile apps at Uber.

BottomSheetLayout (

Simple bottom sheet view for Android

Rx2Firebase (

Rxjava 2.0 wrapper on Google's Android Firebase library.



link image   Announcing Architecture Components 1.0 Stable (

Google announces that the Room and Lifecycle Architecture Components libraries have reached 1.0 stable.



link image   Kotlin Edu (

Learn and teach Kotlin with these easy and professional tools


Videos & Podcasts

link image   Architecture Components: ViewModel (

ViewModel is part of the Lifecycle library which was designed to help you solve common Android Lifecycle challenges and to make your apps more maintainable and testable.

Architecture Components: Room (

Florina Muntenescu introduces Room, the persistence library part of Architecture Components. Room allows you to write less boilerplate code, it automatically maps query results to objects, provides compile-time checked queries

ADB 82: Tooling Around (

In this episode, Chet, Romain and Tor discuss the recently released Android Studio 3.0, the upcoming 3.1 preview release, KotlinConf, and whatever else happened to be on their mind last week.

LiveData and Lifecycle (

LiveData is part of the Lifecycle library which was designed to help you solve common Android Lifecycle challenges and to make your apps more maintainable and testable.