Issue #315

June 24th, 2018

Articles & Tutorials

link image   Exploring Android P: Priority Buckets (

In this article, Joe Birch takes a quick dive into the newly announced Priority Buckets and how they will affect the behavior of your applications in certain circumstances.

My checklist for fixing build issues (

Mike Wolfson shares his troubleshooting checklist in case you encounter similar build issues with the latest Android Studio

Understanding the emotions of users through NLP (

Mirek Stanek describes how to build a system for sentiment analysis of support requests using Google Cloud & Firebase.

link image   Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery for you (

Bitrise automates build, test and deployment for Fox, InVision, Grindr, PagerDuty and the community of 40K+ developers. Craft powerful workflows with 170+ integrations and run the same config locally with our CLI. Sign up to Bitrise and deploy your Android app in minutes.

Introducing Billingx (

Ryan Harter created BillingX, a simple library that makes it easy to make mock purchases in internal builds with almost no code changes.

Text Recognition with ML Kit (

In this tutorial, Victoria Gonda teaches how to setup and use Google’s ML Kit in your Android apps by creating an app to open a Twitter profile from a picture of that profile’s Twitter handle

link image   #IMakeApps - Celebrating app makers worldwide (

Founders, product managers, designers and developers from around the world reveal what they do when they step away from their desks and computers. Watch the stories, share yours and get featured.

Publishing your Android, Kotlin or Java library to mavenCentral (

Niklas Baudy had enough of constant copy-pasting Gradle scripts for publishing to Maven Central. In the end, he merged all of the possible variations into a Gradle Plugin that creates the "uploadArchives" task to publish your library.

Performance Improvements for Search on The Yelp Android App - Part 3 (

In this blog post, Tyler Argo covers how to monitor the performance of code changes and future changes to ensure no performance regressions occur and undo all of your hard work!

Android Things client library for Google Cloud IoT Core (

Google has released a client library to make it easy to use Google Cloud IoT Core from Android Things devices.

How to Migrate from Android-Job to WorkManager (

The WorkManager API was recently announced at Google I/O. The goal of this library is to help simplify the way we handle background work. Annyce Davis describes how to move to this newer API.

What’s Next for Mobile at Airbnb (

After stepping back from React Native use, Gabriel Peal elaborates some newer replacements for what RN provided to make native app development more robust.

Fragmented: Audio playback on Android with Caren Chang (

In this episode, the Fragmented team sits down with Caren Chang from June to talk about audio engineering for Android

SQLite on Kotlin/Native (

Kevin Galligan writes about releasing an early-ish version of Sqlite for Kotlin/Native. More specifically, its a version of the Android SQLite stack that can be used in multiplatform projects.



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If you join our Android team you will work with the following technologies: RxJava, Dagger 2, Retrofit, JUnit, Mockito and Espresso. To get there, you'll need: 3+ years of experience programming with Android, Solid architecture knowledge, Ability to write clean, easy-to-read code. Understand why:


Libraries & Code

link image   SaveState (

Generate 'onSaveInstanceState' and 'onRestoreInstanceState' methods for your application automatically

morph-bottom-navigation (

This library represents a Bottom Navigation with an awesome morph effect on top of the selected item

gradle-maven-publish-plugin (

Gradle plugin that configures an uploadArchives task to automatically upload all of your Java, Kotlin or Android libraries to any Maven instance



link image   Android Studio 3.2 Beta (

Google announced the release of Android Studio 3.2 Beta.

Google Play security metadata and offline app distribution (

Google has announced that they are now adding a small amount of security metadata on top of APKs to verify that the APK was distributed by Google Play.

#IMakeApps - Celebrating app makers worldwide (

Use the hashtag #IMakeApps on your social channels, sharing the app or game you work on, your role in its creation, and an image that best depicts who you are outside of work. Google will regularly select and share some favorites on their channels.


Videos & Podcasts

link image   Android Makers 2018 (

Playlist for all presentations from Android Makers 2018

Memory Leak Hunt: LeakCanary (

Square engineer Pierre-Yves Ricau walks through the mental process involved in understanding a leak trace with a live app demo.

Android Developers Backstage: TV Time (

In this episode, Chet and Tor talk with Isaac Katzenelson and Virgil Dobjanschi from the Android TV team.

Create a Kotlin Project in Android Studio (

Nate Ebel gives a quick walkthrough of how to create a new project in Android Studio that supports Kotlin, and what is added to your project to support it.